LMIC radio

"Uguns rituāls" (Fire Ritual)

Created Year: 2007
Published Year: 2012
Genre: Organ music
Ilgums: 00:12:00
Instrumentation: organ

I Pulcēšanās svētvietā (Gathering at the Holy Site) II Stihiju piesaukšana un ziedošana (Evocation of the Gods and Sacrifice) III Aplī iešana (Walking in a Circle) "A fire ritual among the ancient Baltic tribes usually took place four times per year-at the summer and winter solstices and at the spring and autumn equinoxes, when the day and night are equal in length. In the autumn, people gave thanks for the harvest, but in the winter they sank into contemplation, burning away all negative energy and emotions and illnesses. In the spring they sought to cleanse themselves and prayed for successin working the land, and in the summer they prayed fo the sun." (Indra Riše)

Premiered December 27th, 2007 at the Visby Dome Church, Sweden • Premiered in Latvia February 22nd, 2008 at the Riga Cathedral • Ligita Sneibe