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News / Aktualitātes


8. May, 2023

With a concert to be held on 12 May, the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra will end its first season under the direction of the chief conductor Guntis Kuzma by performing music by Richard Strauss, Sergei Prokofiev and Gundaris Pone at the Concert Hall “Lielais dzintars”. Guntis Kuzma reflects on the past season with great satisfaction.

“For me this was a season full of great musical adventures, and at the end of it I have a feeling that I have gotten to know the musicians of the orchestra, their feeling of ensemble, the constantly emotional depth of the music making process much better”, conductor Guntis Kuzma shares his experience.

Guntis Kuzma also emphasizes the excellent working conditions provided for the orchestra in the “Lielais dzintars” Concert Hall, including playing from the pit, which the musicians and the audience could experience for themselves during the performance of “The Damnation of Faust” by Hector Berlioz last year in October.

“We have experienced many encounters with wonderful stage partners and friends in music, among which are Iveta Apkalna, Kristīne Balanas, Andrejs Osokins, Risto Joost. The sparkling silver of Beāte Zviedre's voice from the New Year's Eve programme, Daniils Bulajev's violin tone in Mendelssohn's concert, Reinis Zariņš's grasp in the concert by Mediņš and Christian Lindberg's unusual, bright reading of Symphony No.2 by Sibelius is still ringing in my ears,” says Guntis Kuzma.

The chief conductor of the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra expresses his great satisfaction with the symphonic music album “Dances of Life and Death” by Juris Karlsons, which has gained recognition by the critics, and the premieres: triple concerts by Arturs Maskats and Kārlis Vanags and Ilona Breģe's Symphony No.4.

The opening concert of the 142nd season of the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra received much attention – it was appriciated with the Latvian Public Media Annual Award for Culture “The Kilogram of Culture”.

Guntis Kuzma, the artistic director of the orchestra, intends to end the season just as powerfully, by including two musical highlights of the early 20th century in the concert programme – Richard Strauss's symphonic poem “Macbeth” and Sergei Prokofiev's Piano Concerto No.3 featuring Anton Lyakhovsky as soloist.

The concert will also be broadcast live on Latvian Radio 3.

The concert season is coming to an end, and the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra invites its audience to enjoy the summer, of course, still keeping in mind the unique role of music in soothing the soul.